Pegasus Week Plan (12.26-12.30)
Release Time:2023-02-22 14:53

Spiral Review - Precalculus concepts. Unit 1 - 3.
(AP Computer Science)
Collaboration is crucial when developing computing innovations because having multiple perspectives offers opportunities to improve the design of innovations. In this big idea, students work collaboratively to design and develop programs using an iterative development process.
(Engineering Product Science)
Students will start with there blender exam, which will be an individual capstone project submitted on 6th.
Review topics in preparation for semester 1 exam.
(AP Calculus AB)
Curve Sketching; Connecting a Function, its First Derivative and its Second Derivative.
(AP Statistics)
Significance Tests for a Difference in Two Population Proportions.
(AP Calculus BC)
Optimization: Solving Real-World Problems to Maximize or Minimize.
(English 12)
Close reading. Evaluate minor characters. Complete the reading journal assignment. Prepare for end-assessments.
(AP Language)
Synthesis Paper; Rhetorical analysis skills; Abigail Adams letter to her son.
(Academy Reading & Writing)
Talk about future jobs and use future forms. Write a short paragraph about a business idea for schools. Present and talk about the information researched. Prepare for end-assessments.
Review; Principles of microeconomics in preparation for end of term exam.
(English 9)
Complete the end of term project for the final exam. Review the vocabulary and sentence based questions for the upcoming exam.
(Academy English)
Review and discuss the final exam project. Departing and arriving at the airport customs,passport control etc. Ordering thier first meal in a fast food restaurant in a foreign country.
(AP Government)
Students will finish learning about the US Congress and will review for the final exam.
(AP US History)
Students will learn about Manifest Destiny and will begin reviewing for the final exam.
(US History)
Students will learn about the War of 1812 and review for the final exam.
(World History)
Students will learn about Byzantine Empire, Russia, and Eastern Europe and will review for the Final Exam.
(AP European History)
AP European history review for the final exam.
Light physical activities.
(Digit Arts)
Digital Art Review and completing all due projects.
(AP Studio Arts)
Completing all due projects.
Paul F.
(AP Biology)
Do some practices of 2018 pastpaper; As well as do some review.
(AP Chemistry)
Do some practices of 2019 pastpaper; As well as do some chapter review.
Finish P2 pastpaper last 10 questions practices and review; Do some practices of free response questions.
Review and do some practice of pastpaper: multiple and free response questions;
(Academy Science)
Objective: review chapter 10 and 11: speed & sound.
(Academy Math)
Objective: review Unit 2, and prepare for the final exam .
(Academy English Listening & Speaking)
Talk about the symptoms of covid. Students are able to describe their symptoms since they got covid.
Prepare to complete the final assignment.
Previous Record:Pegasus Week Plan (12.12-12.16) Next Record:Pegasus Week Plan (03.06-03.10)