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Pegasus Week Plan (10.10-10.14)

        Release Time:2022-11-11 10:16

Students continue with Functions how to solve and graph different type of functions.
(AP Computer Science)
Students will finish Python programming and basics and introduce the AP make task.
(Engineering Product Science )
Students will continue working on their birdhouse design and then start the basics of video production.
Students will work on the following chapters from a new textbook:
Vectors and Scalars, Motion in one dimension, velocity and motion, Energy.
(AP Calculus AB)
Estimating Derivatives of a Function at a Point. Connecting Differentiability and Continuity: Determining When Derivatives Do and Do Not Exist.
(AP Statistics)
Compare numerical and graphical representations for two categorical variables.
(AP Calculus BC)
Derivatives of cos x, sin x, ex, and ln x; The Quotient Rule; Finding the Derivatives of Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and/or Cosecant Functions.
(English 12) 
Analyzing characterization & conflict, Setting and Environment, Issues in the novel: brotherhood & the search for a system of belief. Focus on the following:
Close reading protocol on 'things to notice'
Answering comprehension and short answers
Responding to thematic statements
Analyzing conflict in a key chapter
Complete their fortnightly quiz
(AP Language)
Forming Arguments and Synthesis skills
Students will focus on the following:
Identifying rhetorical strategies
Completing a drafting organizer for a synthesis paper
Responding to open responses and MCQ’s
Addressing an essential question
Complete their fortnightly quiz
(Academy Reading & Writing) 
Celebrations and Festivals
Students will focus on the following: learning content-relevant vocabulary; using prepositions after adjectives; presenting short talks on celebrations around the world; describing a festival using topic maps. Complete a quiz.
(English 10)
Introduce poetry, short stories test.
(AP English)
Introduce poetry, short stories Test - Read and analyse several poems, literary devices, form.
(English 11) 
Introduce poetry, short stories test.
To introduce key tools of economic analysis.How to use these tools to explore economic problems and to explain economic behavior that may otherwise seem puzzling.
(English 9)
Students to be able to give information about themselves and thier family to an overseas visitor using tone and register.
(Academy English)
To encourage the students to communicate more verbally and try to instill a sense of self-belief, confidence and accomplishment.
(AP European History)
Understanding of the Northern Renaissance and Religion through the most significant primary source documents and books: Thomas More's Utopia, Desiderius Erasmus’s The Praise of Folly and An Obituary of Henry VII, from the Anglica Historia.
Students are working on learning boxing basics, foundation of handball, football, archery, and basketball relevant skills.
(Digital Arts )
Students will learn:
• Demonstrate an awareness of the formal role of Gestalt theory in the making of art and design; 

• Make images—drawings and cut paper compositions—demonstrating the different elements of Gestalt theory; 

• Make images—drawings and cut paper compositions— utilizing Gestalt theory and visual principles to visually express complex linguistic concepts/ideas; 

• Critically analyze the use of Gestalt theory and visual principles in use in design they encounter in their daily lives; 

• Make drawings identifying the use of Gestalt theory and visual principles in this found design; 

• Use their images and critical analysis of found design to create through drawing new Gestalt compositions that reflect their understanding of the application of Gestalt theory and visual principles;
(AP Studio Arts)
Students will learn:
• Look at and discuss artwork by Albrecht Durer and Jason Borders.
• Fill out their artist inspiration worksheet.
• Complete their sketchbook assignment and fill out the guiding questions
• Participate in an in-progress critique of the work of art.
• Create a work of art that reflects the topic: bones and exoskeletons .
• Participate in a final critique.
• Fill out a self-evaluation form.
(Orchestra/Band )
Start new technical exercises to improve technique and work towards the halloween performance.
(Jazz Band)
Continue refining and practicing the blues. Understand the rhythmic importance of the shuffle rhythm.
Continue learning new piece and encounter any problems that arise.
(AP Chinese)
Read book 《Great gatsby》excerpts.
(Academy Science) 
Briefly introduce force and motion--cause and effect.
(Academy Math) 
Briefly introduce how to solve inequalities by different methods.
(Academy English Listening & Speaking) 
Watch and understand a video about deserts; Use visuals to predict content; Use visuals in a talk; Use there is/are; Use adjectives; Use visuals; Describe photos of a place I want to visit.
Paul F. 
(AP Biology)
Startto study chapter 11: How Cells Reproduce;Chapter 12: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction; Experiment: enzyme's activity.
(AP Chemistry)
Acidsand bases: 
8.1The Nature of Acids and Bases
8.2Acid Strength
8.3The pH Scale
8.4Calculating the pH of Strong Acid Solutions
8.5Calculating the pH of Weak Acid Solutions
8.7Polyprotic Acids
FinishChapter 8: Transport in plants; Begining of Chapter 9: Transport in animals.
Preparingsoluble salts: 
(1)Method A – Acid plus solid metal, base or carbonate;
(2)Method B – Acid plus alkali by titration
2.Preparing insoluble salts
3.Strong and weak acids and alkalis
Describe the nervous system and its subdivisions and functions: central and peripheral nervous systems; major brain regions, lobes, and cortical areas; brain lateralization and hemispheric specialization.
AP Government
Students will continue learning about Civil Rights.
AP US History
Students will learn about the establishment of the New England Colonies.
US History
Students will learn about the establishment of the New England Colonies.
World History
Students will learn about Ancient India.