Pegasus Week Plan (9.26-9.30)
Release Time:2022-11-11 10:14

(AP Calculus AB)
Unit Review and Test.
(AP Statistics)
Test review; Compare numerical and graphical representations for two categorical variables.
(AP Calculus BC)
Test review. Determine the equation of a line tangent to a curve at a given point.
(AP Economy)
Students will learn the importance of “elasticity of demand”. This includes various computations and methods. They will also understand the meaning of a variety of demand curves including horizontal, vertical, curved and linear.
Continuing to practice factoring in the various types of polynomials. Finding real roots of polynomial equations. Learning the fundamental theorem of algebra with polynomial functions including with complex numbers and given zeros.
Angle relationships in triangles; Congruent triangles; Triangle Congruence with SSS and SAS proof; Congruent triangles with ASA, AAS and HL proof.
(English 12)
As we proceed through the unit, reading, speaking, writing ad critical thinking exercises will focus on these overarching areas: Language/structure/form
How is information revealed to us?
What kind of language is used? What is the effect?
What is the effect of the narrative style?
Understanding of the text.
What happens?
Who do we meet? What are they like? What are your first impressions of Gene?
What do we learn?
Which themes are established?
Personal response
What is your opinion of Gene?
How does his narrative?
(AP Language)
This unit focuses on the rhetorical situation in the beginning and end of texts, forming arguments and synthesis writing skills; Use their reading notes to reflect on substantial claims made by the writer and form our own arguments with the view to the sustained engagement of ideas in an oral presentation. Engage with the concept of mandatory service, and use sources to take a position on the topic through the process of thinking through the ideas, question them and reconsidering them in new contexts that applies to students own sense of positionality. Evaluating a text through answering a series of guided questions with the view to an extended piece on the rhetorical situation.
(Academy Reading & Writing)
In these lessons students will: talk about visiting and living in remote places; read about the challenges of living in remote places;read about a film location; listen to a video about a remote place; identify, know and use compound adjectives
Main Assessment: Presentation; Write about a remote place.
(English 10)
Quiz - Story Structure – Freytag’s Pyramid; Analyze the short story ‘No Witchcraft for Sale by Doris Lessing for narrator POV, structure, conflict, character motive, character revelation, and theme; Exercises related to the story.
(AP English)
Analyze short story ‘Young Goodman Brown’by Nathaniel Hawthorne for narrator POV, structure, conflict, character motive, character revelation, symbolism, and theme; Interpretations of the story–Theme; Explore the author’s background for insights into theme, character; Writing exercises related to the story.
(English 11)
Analyze short story ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek’ by Ambrose Bierce for narrator POV, structure, tension, conflict, character motive, character revelation, and theme; Non-linear plot structure; Making inferences; Interpreting Themes; Writing exercises related to the story.
To introduce key tools of economic analysis. How to use these tools to explore economic problems and to explain economic behavior that may otherwise seem puzzling.
(English 9)
Students are to be able to give information about themselves and their families to an overseas visitor using tone and register.
(Academy English)
To encourage the students to communicate more verbally and try to instill a sense of self-belief, confidence and accomplishment.
(AP European History)
Christian humanism, embodied in the writings of Erasmus and understanding of the context in which Northern European Renaissance developed. Explaining the causes and effects of the development of political institutions from 1450 to 1648. The European State in the Renaissance.
Students are working on learning boxing basics, foundation of archery, frisbee and basketball-relevant skills.
(Digital Arts )
Assess students on their ability to demonstrate an awareness of what line, shape, texture and color are, and apply those concepts to their own work.
(AP Studio Arts)
Bones, Action, Ordinary Behavior Sketchbook Homework Assigned. Inspiration in Nature.
(Orchestra/Band )
Start new technical exercises to improve technique and work towards the halloween performance.
(Jazz Band)
Continue refining and practicing the blues. Understand the rhythmic importance of the shuffle rhythm.
Continue learning new piece and encounter any problems that arise.
(AP Chinese)
Continue reading The Pride and Prejudice, analyzing the structure and characteristics of the roles.
(Academy Science)
Have a brief review of chapter 2 and give students a test, then go on study chapter 3.
(Academy Math)
Have a brief review of chapter 1 and give students a test, then go on study chapter 2.
(Academy English Listening & Speaking)
Speak about the seasons. Students are able to talk about the weather, season, and location.
Paul F.
(AP Biology)
Finishchapter 9: From DNA to Protein study; finish chapter10: Control of Gene Expression.
(AP Chemistry)
Finishchemical reactions study: chemical equations, balancing, ionic equation, types of chemical reactions, stoichiometry calculation, redox reactions, and neutral reactions.
Finishchapter 7: neutrients of animals study; experiment of osimosis of semipermeable membrane.
Acids,bases and salts; neutral reaction; titration experiments.
Students will take an exam this week to measure their learning progress for Unit 1- History or Psychology and Unit 2 - Research Methods. We will also begin Unit 3 - Biological Bases of Behavior.
Students will cover the following topics: x-y intercept, Critical Points, Continuity, Quiz 1-3.
(AP Computer Science)
Students continue learning Python Programming which will cover the following topics: Functions, For loops, Lists, While and Nested Loops, Tuples and Dictionaries.
(Engineering Product Science )
Students will learn about 3D printing technology. Students finish their 3D model of keychain and will print out model. Start with next unit Media.
Chapter 1-2 Test; Students will finish learning about Vectors and introduction to two-dimensional Kinematics.
AP Government
Students will learn about Civil Rights, the struggle of minorities for equality, and the legislation.
AP US History
Students will learn about the establishment of the English Southern colonies.
US History
Students will learn about the establishment of the English Southern colonies.
World History
Students will learn about the Roots of Judaism.
Previous Record:Pegasus Week Plan (9.19-9.23) Next Record:Pegasus Week Plan (10.10-10.14)