Pegasus Week Plan (9.19-9.23)
Release Time:2022-11-11 09:06

(AP Calculus AB)
Students will be able to interpret and explain the behavior of a function.
(AP Statistics)
Students will be able to graphically represent summary statistics and comparing distribution of quantitative data.
(AP Calculus BC)
Students will be able to interpret and explain the behavior of a function.
(AP Economy)
The market forces of supply and demand; Markets and Competition; Demand; Supply; Combining supply and demand (graphs); How prices allocate resources.
Operations with complex numbers; Absolute value (with complex numbers); Simplifying various types of polynomials; Finding real roots of polynomial equations.
Lines in the coordinate plane; Congruence and transformations; Classifying triangles; Angle relationships in triangles.
(English 12)
In this unit on “The Discoveries of Youth” students will: Write thematic passage analyses of text using the “Analytical Notes” strategy; Complete an Art exploration assignment as the class assignment; Fortnightly Quiz.
(AP Language)
This week focuses on connecting claims and evidence and will begin an argument unit on 'Education': Answer the following questions: What makes a person educated? Are we looking for knowledge? Wisdom? Skills? Something else? Or learn practical skills for the workforce? Or to make us more knowledgeable about ourselves and our culture?Understand that writers make claims about subjects and rely on evidence that supports the reasoning that justifies the claim. Know how to produce a synthesis essay.
(Academy Reading & Writing)
Television and the News. Students will cover: simple opinions about films; using adverbs finding facts and opinions; reading details; End of Week Vocabulary Quiz.
(English 10)
Story Structure – Freytag’s Pyramid;Analyze short story ‘No Witchcraft for Sale’ by Doris Lessing for narrator POV, structure, conflict, character motive, character revelation, and theme;Exercises related to story.
(AP English)
Theme; Symbol & Allegory; Analyze short story ‘Young Goodman Brown’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne for narrator POV, structure, conflict, character motive, character revelation, symbolism, and theme Writing exercises related to the story.
(English 11)
Plagiarism & Academic writing – reiterate/review; Analyze short story ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek’ by Ambrose Bierce for narrator POV, structure, tension, conflict, character motive, character revelation, and theme; Writing exercises related to the story.
To help students understand the science of economic analysis by breaking down the economic analysis into more comprehensive steps.
(English 9)
To help the students to be able to express how they feel about happiness and success. which is more important to them and what they feel the differences are.
(Academy English)
To help the students use opening gambits as a way to start conversations by using opening phrases suitable to the appropriate subject. Also listing conversational points in the correct order.
(AP European History)
The Intellectual Renaissance in Italy. Understanding of the context in which the Northern European Renaissance developed. Humanism and education in Fifteenth-Century Italy. Understanding of education in the Renaissance and how humanism led to writings on education. The Impact of Printing. Art in the Early Renaissance. Establishing connections between the Northern European Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance. Explaining how Renaissance ideas were developed, maintained, and changed as the Renaissance spread to northern Europe.
Students are working on learning boxing basics, foundation of archery, frisbee and basketball relevant skills.
(Digital Arts )
Students continue learning how to work with negative and positive spaces. Finalizing the Lion head project. Students use analysis and intention to critique their best concepts.
(AP Studio Arts)AP
Guided work and sustained Investigation. Inquiry and Investigation Questions completed. Project finalize.
(Orchestra/Band )
Practice Technical exercises to improve overall instrument technique. Work towards the song that they chose.
(Jazz Band)
Be able to write blues lyrics and understand the skills required to write such lyrics.
Finish the Recording of the song and start practicing a new song.
(AP Chinese)
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) to discuss the book reading. Students will introduce the author's background and analyse the main characters. Class writing.
(Academy Science)
Finish chapter2 motion, have test for the whole chapter and do 2 labs.
(Academy Math)
Finish Part 1.8-1.10:Rate, Ratios, proportions and the application. Learn about the precision and Accuracy; Take a test of the whole chapter.
(Academy English Listening & Speaking)
Prepare for a presentation to talk about a person (famous people).
Paul F.
(AP Biology)
Finishchapter 6 Photosynthesis-2; finish chapter 7 Releasing Chemical Energy study; some practice of chapter 7;start of chapter8:DNA Structure and Function first section.
(AP Chemistry)
FinishMolecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties; finish Intermolecular Forces and Properties (Unit 3: 3.1-3.3, 3.7-3.9); review and weekly test.
FinishPlant nutrition; experiments of benedict’s reaction; start Animal nutrition.
Chapter4 chemical reactions; experiments of chemical reactions.
Students will be able to identify the parts of the experimental method and description research through Lego activity and various lectures.
Students will take Quiz 1-2. Students will cover the following topics: Quadratic Equations, Radical Equations, Rational Equations; End Week Review for preparation for Quiz 1-3.
(AP Computer Science)
Students continue learning Python Programming which will cover the followings topics: Functions, For loops, Lists, While and Nested Loops, Tuples and Dictionaries.
(Engineering Product Science )
Students will learn the basics of 3D modeling focusing on tinkercad. Students will learn how a 3D printer works and how to operate.
Chapter 1-2 Test; Students will finish learning about Vectors and introduction to two-dimensional Kinematics.
Previous Record:Pegasus Week Plan (9.13-9.16) Next Record:Pegasus Week Plan (9.26-9.30)