Pegasus Week Plan (8.29-9.2)
Release Time:2022-11-11 08:55

01 Vernon
Preparing for Pre-calculus Test; Sets ; Operations with Complex Numbers; Quadratic Functions and Equations; nth Roots and Real Exponents.
(AP Computer Science)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; Discuss what computer science is and why it is important; Teamwork principles and computational thinking and design thinking practices.
(Engineering Product Science & Physics)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; Students will understand the difference between Engineering and Product Design; Safety and equipment.
02 Ayoub
(AP Calculus AB)
Are You Ready for Calculus? ; Pre-assessment. Calculus Prerequisites.
(AP Statistics)
Students will understand what can we learn from Data.
(AP Calculus BC)
Are You Ready for Calculus? ; Pre-assessment. Calculus Prerequisites.
(AP Economy)
Introduce microeconomics; Elicit responses for general ME questions; Learn basic terminology (e.g. microeconomic definition, scarcity, wants v needs etc); critical thinking techniques.
03 Joseph
Reminder of relevant Algebra 1 procedures;Exploring Transformations including translation, reflection, stretching/ compressing functions;Introduction to parent functions which include linear, quadratic, cubic and square root.
(AP Economy)
Introduce microeconomics; Elicit responses for general ME questions; Learn basic terminology (e.g. microeconomic definition, scarcity, wants v needs etc); critical thinking techniques.
Introduction to basic geometric terminology; Quick review of algebra needed for Unit 1; Understanding Points, Lines and Planes; Measuring and constructing segments.
04 Matthew
(English 12)
Application of literary terms: narrator, setting, characterization and conflict; Guided reading of Sylvia Plath's short story 'Initiation';
(AP Language)
Rhetorical situation terms: speaker, purpose, audience, context, & exigence; Identifying the Rhetorical situation in Lou Gherig's farewell speech; Guided reading of Malala Yousefzai’s Speech to the U.N.
(Academy Reading & Writing)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; discuss free time activities; read an advertisement with the view to answering short answer questions; write short sentences; use adjective-noun combinations.
(Academy English)
Introduction and overview to the speaking and conversational course, the objectives , and academic expectations.
05 Paul
(English 10 & AP English & English 11)
Teacher and students introduce selves; Overview/Review of basic story elements; Students identify main characters and setting in a short narrative story/reading passage, and identify the sentences that reveal this information.
06 Johny
Introduction to the Economy 6 book; Explain the economic problems of scarce resources and unlimited wants.
(English 9)
Introduction to the sprinboard language workshop textbook.
07 Ilya
(AP European History)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; AP requirements.
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations for PE; Safety and equipment; General warm up and cool down.
(Digital Arts )
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations and requirements.
(AP Studio Arts)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; AP requirements.
08 Phillip
(Orchestra/Band & Jazz Band)
Assign students their instruments and give a brief overview of the course.
Give a brief introduction of the course and start vocal exercises in preparation for practice.
09 Sophie
(AP Chinese)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; Understand the importance of reading; Read and analyze the Article Of Study;introduction to Our program “Pegasus Readers”.
10 Monica
(Academy Science)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectation. Finish the Chapter1.1-1.3,give students an overall view of chapter1.
11 Monica
(Academy Math)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations;Introduce the basic operations of mathematics, such as variables and expression, adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
(Academy English Listening & Speaking)
Curriculum overview and grading with expectations; Basic communication to get a brief idea of students' English level. Build confidence of students, have students practice.
Previous Record:Pegasus Week Plan (6.6-6.10) Next Record:Pegasus Week Plan (9.5-9.9)