Pegasus Week Plan(5.9-5.13)
Release Time:2022-11-11 08:23

Mr. Profatilov’s classes: 1. Start-up company business project. Conduct market research (market study) 2. Welfare Effects on Monopoly and Prisoners Dilemma lesson 3. European History Capstone Project Discussions Individual research of possible topics of interest followed by individual presentations 4. Team based research on the Crusader Orders: Templars, Hospitallers, Teutonic Knights, Documents relating to the Baltic Crusade 1199-1266.
Ms. Monica’s Geometry class: Next week for Geogebra, we will start to learn chapter6 and for Algebra2, after we finish two more sections, we are going to take the quiz and test for this chapter.
English 12: Grade 12 continue to read a domestic tragedy and work on their reading logs.
AP Literature: AP Students are reading the play Macbeth and planning their Shakespeare Shorts.
English11: Grade 11 are reading their class novel and forming their understandings of personal journeys.
Biology: reviews cellular respiration and moves on to Cellular Reproduction. Plant lab continues.
Chemistry: Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, review for Gas Laws test and Test.
AP Chemistry: Specific Heat Lab and Redox Lab.
Computer Science: Next week will be the start of understanding arrays for CS. Due to the nature of last semester, we cannot go much further as I have given the students a semester project to write a long program versus taking an exam. Thus after arrays, much of class time will be spent working on these programs.
Pre calculus: the students will delve more into series and explore partial sums and specific series such as the arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. Again, due to the nature of last semester, we will have to skip several topics in order to study more typical applicable mathematics. This means mathematical induction shall be skipped in addition to the binomial theorem and expansions, along with counting principals, combinations. We will try to include probability after next week Just a huge preview, we will start with conic sections after the probability. We do this because versus doing an exam, I am also thinking to do a project for these particular students given that they did not have a very productive first semester.
Dr. Khan’s students are writing research paper for the conference on 8th of June.
PE: General fitness and sport specific skills.
Previous Record:Pegasus Week Plan (5.3-5.6) Next Record:Pegasus Week Plan (5.16-5.50)