Pegasus Week Plan (5.3-5.6)
Release Time:2022-11-10 15:56

Students in Mr. Profatilov’s AP Micro Economics class are discussing AP Final research project.
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s Economics class are understanding Welfare Effects of Monopoly.
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s AP European History class are analyzing WWII and discussing AP Final research project.
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s World History class are learning The Crusades in Medieval primary sources: Geoffry de Villehardouin and others.
Students in Ms. Monica’s Geometry class are learning relations between sides and angles in one triangle or two triangles.
Students in Ms. Monica’s Algebra II class are learning Operations of Rational expressions.
Students in Mr.Kuka’s English 10 class are learning Rhetorical analysis of a TED Talk.
Students in Mr. Kuka’s English 9 class are learning writing elements of a paragraph structure .
Students in Mr.Kuka’s AP Language class is preparing AP Exam.
English 12: Students have done well in class discussions, digesting key concepts. They will continue their readers theatre assignment for weekend homework.
AP Literature: Many students have been away with AP revision and/or exams and must follow the lesson resources shared in the wechat group. Review sessions have followed on Friday but students must do some of the groundwork.
English11: We continue to read Perks of Being a Wallflower and find tangible links to the lives of teenagers focusing on what makes a healthy relationship.
Students in Mr.Kreynin‘s Government class will continue to watch the movie Amistad.
Students in Mr.Kreynin‘s US History and AP US History class will learn about the Progressive Era.
Biology: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation, Vocabulary words and Flow Charts.
Chemistry: Gas Laws, Dalton's law of Partial Pressures.
AP Chemistry: Specific Heat Lab.
Previous Record:Pegasus Week Plan (4.18-4.22) Next Record:Pegasus Week Plan(5.9-5.13)