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Pegasus Monthly Plan October

        Release Time:2023-10-10 11:59

Week 1: Holiday
(English 12)
Week 2:By the end of the week, students will be ready to discuss a writer's diction and literary devices in a class exercise.
Week 3:Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings and analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful.
Week 4:Students will read several texts written in non-contemporary English.  They will develop their knowledge of eighteenth and nineteenth -century foundational works of American literature.
English 11
Week 2:Summarize a text clearly. Demonstrate comprehension of an argument.                            Analyse the structural elements of an argumentative text.
Week 3:Analyze cause behind a character's  actions and evaluate perspective (RL1, RI3). Follow and provide key examples of character development      (RL1, RL5).       
Week 4:Learn and employ reading strategies to improve comprehension, recall, and fluency (RL7). Evaluate the presence of key themes in a work (W1). Complete an oral presentation (RI7, W6).
English 10)
Week 2:By the end of the week, students will have discussed the structure of argumentative essays and will have completed group writing exercises  preparatory to writing argumentative essays of their own.
Week 3:By the end of the week, students will have further discussed structuring an argument and will have completed speaking exercises in the form of debates.
Week 4:By the end of the week, students will have completed quizzes on literary devices and using context clues and will have practiced building and writing arguments.  They should by now have begun individual writing exercises as homework.
(AP Literature and Composition)
Week 2:Identify and describe textual details that reveal about a character, perspective and motive. Distinguish between literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases. Explain the function of specific words and phrases in a text. Identify and explain the function of an image or imagery.
Week 3:Explain the function of structure. Explain imagery and figurative language.           Evidence based claim. Develop a thesis. Demonstrate control over the elements of composition to communicate clearly.
Week 4:Explain the function of structure of a sonnet. Function of structure. Evaluate the function of specific words / phrases in a text.
(English 9)
Week 2:Set up Focus on concept of 'Hero'. Introduce Shakespeare. particularly Hamlet. Continue with ‘The House on Mango Street’.
Week 3:Improve English via focus on contemporary news story. Develop/consolidate vocabulary. Develop theatrical response via focus on the Bard. Improve reading, understanding, response to short narrative.
Week 4:Breaking News English. Poem Ithaka. Shakespeare's Hamlet abridged. 'House on Mango Street' Chapter .
(AP English Language and Composition)
Week 2:Students will write exercises requiring them to make claims about subjects, rely on evidence that supports the reasoning that justifies the claim, and often acknowledge or respond to other, possibly opposing, arguments. (Space program/text comparison);  They will continue to analyze Practice Test 1.
Week 3:Rhetorical analysis as in-class discussion and as homework; portfolio-building and regular student writing, both as homework and as in-class timed exercises.
Week 4:Students will explain how a given argument demonstrates understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs.  They will identify and explain claims and evidence within an argument.
(Academy Listening and Speaking)
Week 2:Students will know how to give personal information, how to fill a form, and how to introduce family relationship.
Week 3:Students will know how to describe family history with past tense. Know how to say different physical actions.
Week 4:Students will know how to name different body parts and describe a person from different aspects (height/ weight/ hairs/ eyes/ ages).
Academy English Corner)
Week 2:Further development of students' vocabulary and mastery of English language. Description of 'Macrologue' Technique' or Mind Maps. Introduction to easier 'Breaking News English Article. Play the game 'sentence race'. Introduction to Hemmingway's 'Old Man and the Sea'.
Week 3:Revelation of 100 most frequently used words in the English language. Continued reading of 'The Old Man and the Sea.
Week 4:Students learn of contractions 'Total physical response exercise. Lesson based on Elvis Presley.
(English Language Development)
Week 2:Read texts and find out answers for specific questions.
Week 3:Students will know different interrogatives and how to use them to give proper questions.
Week 4:Students will master how to ask different questions.
Algebra II)
Week 2:Understand the concept of a function and use function notation. Analyze functions using different representations.Interpret linear models.
Week 3:Solve equations and inequalities in one variable. Students will solve systems of linear equations by graphing, substitution and elimination and solve systems of linear inequalities.
Week 4:Analyze functions using different representations. Students will graph piecewise functions, absolute value functions and absolute value inequalities.
Week 2:Given a geometric figure and a rotation,reflection,or translation,draw the transformed figure using,e.g.,graph paper or geometry software.Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
Week 3:Similarity, transformations in corresponding figures; how to prove relationships in figures using congruence & similarity; practice proving relationships using congruence & similarity.
Week 4:Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems;choose and interpret the scale and origin in graphs and displays.
Week 2:• graph a quadratic written in vertex form.
• write f(x)=ax^2+bx+c (a≠0) in vertex form.
• find the vertex of a parabola using the vertex formula.
• solve applications involving quadratic functions.
• create quadratic functions using regression.
Week 3:• determine the end behavior of a polynomial function.
• identify zeros and multiplicities of zeros.
• apply the intermediate value theorem.
• sketch polynomial function.
Week 4:• divide polynomials using long division.
• divide polynomials using synthetic division.
• apply the remainder and factor theorems.
(AP Statistics)
Week 2:Compare numerical and graphical representations for two categorical variables. Calculate statistics for two categorical variables. Compare statistics for two categorical variables.
Week 3:Represent bivariate quantitative data using scatterplots. Describe the characteristics of a scatterplot. Determine the correlation for a linear relationship. Interpret correlation for a linear relationship.
Week 4:Represent differences between measured and predicted responses using residual plots. Describe the form of association of bivariate data using residual plots. Estimate parameters for the least-squares regression line model. Interpret coefficients for the least-squares regression line model.  Identify influential points in regression.
(AP Calculus )
Week 2:Estimating Derivatives of a Function at a Point.Connecting Differentiability and Continuity: Determining When Derivatives Do and Do Not Exist.
Week 3:Applications of the rate of change.
Week 4:Differentiation-Part 2 Composite, Implicit & Inverse Functions.
(AP Computer Science Principles)
Week 2:Explain how the Internet works. Explain how data are sent through the Internet via packets. Describe issues that contribute to the digital divide. Explain how the use of computing can raise legal and ethical concerns.
Week 3:Represent a value with a variable. Determine the value of a variable as a result of an assignment. Represent a list or string using a variable.
Week 4:Write expressions using relational operators. Compare multiple algorithms to determine if they yield the same side effect or result.Write statements to call procedures.
(AP Physics)
Week 2:Describe the relationship between frictional force and the normal force for static friction and for kinetic friction. Explain when to use the static frictional relationship versus the kinetic frictional relationship in different physical situations (e.g., object sliding on surface or object not slipping on incline). Describe the direction of frictional forces (static or kinetic) acting on an object under various physical situations.
Week 3:Derive expressions that relate mass, forces, or angles of inclines for various slipping conditions with friction. Calculate the value for the static frictional force for an object in various dynamic situations (e.g., an object at rest on truck bed, an object at rest on incline, or an object pinned to a horizontal surface). Derive an expression for the motion of an object freely falling with a resistive drag force (or moving horizontally subject to a resistive horizontal force). Describe the acceleration, velocity, or position in relation to time for an object subject to a resistive force (with different initial conditions, i.e., falling from rest or projected vertically).
Week 4:Calculate the terminal velocity of an object moving vertically under the influence of a resistive force of a given relationship.
(AP Environmental Science)
Week 2:Finish the unit 2: the living world; biodiversity.
Week 3:Explore the populations change over time in reaction to a variety of factors.
Week 4:Learn about the Human populations change in reaction to a variety of factors, including social and cultural factors.
(General Biology)
Week 2:Unit 2: learn about the cells: a. cells' structure, organelles, and structure. b. Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells.
Week 3:a. Eukaryotic cells structure. b. prokaryotic cells structure. c. the cell membrane. d. Animals vs Plants cells.
Week 4:Introduction to unit 3: a. introduction to energy and metabolism, b. enzymes. c. passive and active transport, d. osmosis and tonicity of the cell.
(AP Biology
Week 2:Finish the unit 2: Cell structure and function. Introduction to unit 3: Cellular enegetics.
Week 3:learn about the enzymes; their functions, catalysis and structure. explore the laws of thermodynamics. and introduce students to cell energy. explore the energy of activation for an enzyme. Also, the environmental impacts of the enzymes' function.
Week 4:Review the unit 3 content and introduction to unit 4. + Monthly assessment prep.
(General Physics)
Week 2:Forces are balanced,no acceleration occurs,thus an object continues to move at constant speed or stays at rest. Apply the law F = ma to solve one-dimentional motion problems that involve constant forces.
Week 3:Newton's third law, forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs.If one object pushes a second object, the second object pushes back on the first with force that has the same magnitude.Universal law of gravitation states that the gravitational forces between any two particles of matter is proportional to their masses and inverserly proportional to the square of the distance between them.Circular motion by using formula for centripetal acceleration.
Week 4:Work and Energy-laws of conservation of of energy and momentum provide a way to predict and describe the movement of objects.
(General Chemistry)
Week 2:Interpret particle diagrams of mixtures; describe some applications of science; evaluate a model for a solution; makes a prediction and conclusion; Describe differences between elements, mixtures, and compounds; Name the main elements in living things.
Week 3:Give six physical properties of typical metal elements; Explain how the uses of metal elements depend on their properties; Describe how to plan a fair test; Describe how to make accurate and reliable measurements Make a conclusion; Compare the physical properties of alloys and the elements in them; Explain how the uses of alloys depend on their properties; Compare the properties of metals and non-metals; Deduce whether an element is a metal or a non-metal.
Week 4:Describe some signs of chemical reactions; Give examples of chemical reactions; Describe how atoms are rearranged in chemical reactions; Explain why total mass does not change in chemical reactions; Describe one way that science can have a global environmental impact; Name the reactants and product in the corrosion of iron.
(Academy Science)
Week 2:Features of Animal Body Plans. Structures in Animal Body Plans. Location of Structures in Animal Body Plans.
Week 3:Physical Properties of Matter. Chemical Properties of Matter.
Week 4:Learn about energy conservation, what it means, and why conserving energy is a good practice. Discover how energy is used in the United States and how individuals can conserve energy in their daily lives.
(Academy Maths)
Week 2:Collecting data, develop understanding of statistical, summarize and describe ditributions.
Week 3:Shapes and symmetry, identify the retlective symmetry of 2D shapes and patterns, identify the order of rotational symmetry of 2D shapes and patterns,  identify and decsribe regular polygons, draw front,side and top views of 3D shapes.
Week 4:Sequences and functions, generating sequences, using the nth term, representing simple functions.
(AP US History)
Week 2:Students will learn about the English New England Colonies. Students will learn about how the New England Colonies were founded and the way of life there. They will also learn about the Thanksgiving Dayand the Salem Witch Trials.学生将
Week 3:Students will learn about the English Middle Colonies. Students will learn about the founding of the Middle Colonies.
Week 4:Students will learn about the way of life in the 13 English colonies. Students will learn about life in the 13 colonies in the first half of the 18th century.
Week 4:Review and prepare for the monthly assessment.
(US History)
Week 2:Students will learn about the English Southern Colonies.Students will learn about how the Sothern Colonies were founded, will familiarize themselves with such names as John Smith, John Rolfe, and Pokahontas.
Week 3:Students will learn about the English New England Colonies.Students will learn about how the New England Colonies were founded and the way of life there. They will also learn about the Thanksgiving Dayand the Salem Witch Trials.学生将
Week 4:Students will learn about the English Middle Colonies. Students will learn about the founding of the Middle Colonies.
(AP Government)
Week 2:Students will continue learning about Civil Rights. Students will learn about various minorities in the USA and their struggle for civil rights, as well as the civil rights legislation that was passed.
Week 3:Students will watch the movie Amistad. Students will watch Amistad, a movie about a 19th century civil rights case.
Week 4:Students will learn about Political Parties. Students will learn about the party system in the United States, the two major parties, and the third parties.
Week 2:Students will begin learning about Civil Rights. Students will learn about the mistreatment of various minorities in the USA, as well as the legislation that improved their situations.
Week 3:Students will continue learning about Civil Rights. Students will continue learning about the mistreatment of various minorities in the USA, as well as the legislation that improved their situations.
Week 4:Students will present PPTs that are related to Civil Rights topics, as well as draw posters related to Civil Rights. Students will give PPT presentations and draw posters.
Week 4:Review and prepare for the monthly assessment.
(AP Psychology)
● Identify basic processes and systems in the biological bases of behavior, including parts
of the neuron and the process of transmission of a signal between neurons.
● Discuss the influence of drugs on neurotransmitters (e.g., reuptake mechanisms,
agonists, antagonists).
● Discuss the effect of the endocrine system on behavior
● Describe the nervous system and its subdivisions and functions:
○ central and peripheral nervous systems;
○ major brain regions, lobes, and cortical areas;
○ brain lateralization and hemispheric specialization.
● Discuss the role of neuroplasticity in traumatic brain injury.
● Recount historic and contemporary research strategies and technologies that support
research (e.g., case studies, split-brain research, imaging techniques).
● Discuss psychology’s abiding interest in how heredity, environment, and evolution work
together to shape behavior.
● Predict how traits and behavior can be selected for their adaptive value.
● Identify key contributors (e.g., Paul Broca, Charles Darwin, Michael Gazzaniga, Roger
Sperry, Carl Wernicke).
(AP History of Arts)
Week 2:Learning Content Area #2: ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN: 3500 B.C.E. – 300 C.E. The Art of Prehistoric Aegean. Narrative Art.
Week 3:Learning Content Area #2: ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN: 3500 B.C.E. – 300 C.E. The Art of Ancient Greece. Mythology.
Week 4:Learning Content Area #2: ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN: 3500 B.C.E. – 300 C.E. Textbook Chapter 9: The Art of the Etruscans-Tombs. Chapter 10: The Art of Ancient Rome-Government.
(World History)
Week 2:Students will learn about Ancient India. Students will learn about the birth and development of the ancient Indian civilization.
Week 3:Students will learn about Ancient China. Students will learn about the birth and development of the ancient Chinese civilization.
Week 4:Students will draw posters on any of the previous topics. Students will pair up and work on drawing of posters on topics of their choice.
Week 4:Review and prepare for the monthly assessment.
(AP European History)
Week 2:[c.1450-1648]
Unit 1: The Age of Reformation
Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry VIII
Wars of Religion and the Catholic Reformation
16th Century Society and politics
16th-Century Art
From the Rise of the Vernacular and the Decline of Latin. The Catholic Church Before the Reformation: Beliefs and Practices to the Habsburg Dynasty in the Reformation  and Ivan the Terrible and the Making of Russia.
Week 3:
Unit 1: The Age of Reformation
Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry VIII
Wars of Religion and the Catholic Reformation
16th Century Society and politics
16th-Century Art
From the Reformation's Impact on Germany: The Peasant Wars to the French Wars of Religion: Catholics vs. the Huguenots.
Week 4:[1648-1815]
Unit 2: Age of Exploration, the Slave Trade, and the Beginning of a Global Economy. State Building.
Portuguese and Spanish Empires: Growth in the New World & Asia. Great Explorers of Spain and Portugal: Aims & Discoveries . Conquistadores: Spanish Conquests of South & Central America.
Drawing and Painting)
Week 2:Two-Point Perspective. Students will be able to: Explain and define 'two-point perspective' . Draw an image with two-point perspective.
Week 3:Tint and Shade. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. What is tint? What is shade? How are tints and shades created? This lesson plan uses a factual text lesson to establish a knowledge base for students. A hands-on activity challenges students to create their own tints and shades.
Week 4:Still Life Drawing. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
       •     identify still life drawings
       •     compare and contrast different types of still life drawings
       •     demonstrate still life techniques in drawing
(AP 2D Art)
Week 2:Sustained Investigation Writing Prompts: Identify the question(s) or inquiry that guided your sustained investigation. Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your question(s) or inquiry.
Week 3:Questionnaire: 3 Main Starting Prompts, Mind Mapping & Identity, Visual Journaling, Inktober, List of Specific Prompts & Ideas.
Week 4:Artist research sheet. Sketchbook homework assignment. Guiding questions for art investigation.
(Jazz Theory and Performance)
Week 2:Introduction to the idea of 'Syncopation' Development of understanding and practice of improvisation. Introduction to new song to sing in Jazz Choir: 'Nature Boy' Learning of the  Style  of 'BeBop'.
Week 3:Understanding of the two Jazz forms - 'The Blues' and 'Rhythmn Jazz Choir to continue practice of known songs Autumn Leaves,  Just the Two of Us and Nature Boy.
Week 4:Introduction of new song 'Wonderful'. Study of the music of West Africa.
(Rock Theory and Performance)
Week 2:Review early history of Rock and Roll Introduction to first Rock Song Instructed to learn The Kinks You Really Got Me in band settings, where should continue with practice of past learnt songs.
Week 3:Recognition of importance of 1960s in the development of Rock and roll. Featured Band: The Rolling Stones.
Week 4:Further Investigation into the role of the 60's in the development of Rock and Roll Featured Band: The Beatles.

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