Michael Mansell
Oregon State University, PhD in program physics
Michael Mansell is a physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science, general science, English and technical day trading teacher from the United States. Mr. Michael has more than 15 years combined experience in teaching, with 7 years of that experience being here in China. Michael has experience with many different cultures through his travels around the world and thus has a unique world view. He can speak Chinese, Spanish, some Hebrew, some Amharic, some Japanese, and plans to sharpen his skills in the latter three languages over the next few years.
Mr. Michael has a deep passion for teaching. In fact, through his day trading on financial markets, he earns enough to where he is not required to teach for a living. Yet, he keeps on teaching due to his passion for educating the youth. His teaching philosophy at the core relies on not letting his teaching become trapped in a box; to be flexible with the students as individuals and as a class. Michael believes that all students have the ability to learn something, even if they are not very good at a particular subject; with the right focus, effort, attitude and support, all students are capable of learning. Building rapport and a good relationship with students is also an important goal for all classes and students according to Michael. This builds a trust and confidence between the teacher and student that can help to foster the student's academic growth. The ultimate goal is to help students grow into world citizens that are capable in making a difference in their local, environment and internationally. I really look forward to bringing my enthusiasm for teaching to the students at PCS.
See you in class!
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